Wellness | January 05, 2021

New Year’s Resolution with J.R. Watkins, Progress not Perfection

As 2020 comes to an end, and we wave goodbye to the year that never let us catch a break, we set goals and intentions for a brighter and more interactive year ahead. We've seen during quarantine that keeping up with a routine can be difficult, and while we head into the new year, we all want to be putting our best foot forward, The J.R. Watkins' team included. We have put together our list of resolutions, why we think they are essential, to hold ourselves accountable in hopes that we encourage you, our readers, and friends to do the same. 

Here's what our team is committing to in 2021: 

Taking a Digital Detox

We talked first with Emma, a junior marketing associate from our team, about her goals. "2020 was a year of 'I wish I could have,' self-reflection, and a lot of time spent online". Going into the New Year, I want to make it a point to digital detox when I can, whether that be setting limits of usage or taking certain days off." With a lot of 2020 resorting to being online to stay connected, we found ways to connect with others but, in turn, began to disconnect with ourselves. Social media and what we saw online seemed to be our source of pretty much everything. Going into a new year to focus on your present self instead of your internet self seems like the soul searching, we all might be craving after this past year. She says, "I have decided to stop comparing my journey to those of others whose lives appear further along and more complete." 

Morning Movement 

Our VP of Marketing, Melissa, is going into this new year with resolutions to reinvigorate her morning ritual. By focusing on her health, she says, "I'm setting an intention to get 7 hours of sleep five days a week. It seems like something so simple, but when life speeds up, so do we, and this past year has shown me the importance of slowing down. Sleep is the foundation of my health, of staying active and staying present in my personal and professional life." To kickstart this healthy schedule, she also wants to start her mornings with 10 minutes of movement. "I can't always promise myself a workout in the morning, but I can commit to prioritizing myself for 10 minutes". 

Body & Mind Alignment 

Keeping your mind and body aligned is Girlieh's, our Fulfillment Analyst's, goal for 2021. She said, "I hope to center myself by starting with my mental health and then having it follow with my physical health." It's important to have alignment. With most of us wanting to get back into working out and exercising more in the new year, having our mental wellness as a focus can improve these other areas in our life. 

Cooking Clean

2020 was brought to us by Uber eats, grub hub, and every delivery service imaginable. As appreciative as we were to support small businesses and enjoy our favorite meals from home, Kim, one of our Marketing Associates, has decided to make her resolution to pick back up cooking. "I want to challenge myself to make a new recipe every week. It is a goal of mine to consume more wholesome and healthy meals, and it's something I'd like to be able to have as an escape on my weekday nights." Fueling our bodies with wholesome, organic, and nutritious foods doesn't just help the body; it also helps the mind. 

Staying Involved 

Without as much face to face interaction this last year, we resorted to helping and doing what we could virtually, and staying a part of our community was no exception. Jill, our Operations Manager, has decided to make it her goal to be more involved in her community. Jill says, "I hope to join my local ceramics studio and volunteer at the humane society. With everything going on this last year, it has shown me just how important community is to my happiness, and I'd like to focus more time and energy next year on building a positive community around things that I love". 

As A Team 

The J.R. Watkins' team as a whole has decided to practice gratitude in the new year. We know sometimes it can be hard to look back on a time that might have been so pivotal and uncertain, but for making these lasting resolutions, we want to reflect on the past to be more present in this future. So as we ring in 2021 and start our next chapter, I hope these goals and resolutions leave you with some inspiration because you did it, goodbye 2020. 

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